Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems#
This course gives an introduction to the quantum mechanics of many-body systems and the methods relevant for many-body problems in such diverse areas as atomic, molecular, solid-state and nuclear physics, chemistry and materials science. A theoretical understanding of the behavior of quantum-mechanical many-body systems, that is, systems containing many interacting particles - is a considerable challenge in that, normally, no exact solution can be found. Instead, reliable methods are needed for approximate but accurate simulations of such systems.
The aim of this course is to present some of the most widely used many-body methods, starting with the underlying formalism of second quantization. The topics covered include second quantization with creation and annivilation operators, Wick’s theorem, Feynman diagram rules, microscopic mean-field theories (Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham theories), many-body perturbation theory, large-scale diagonalization methods, coupled cluster theory, algorithms from quantum computing, and Green’s function approaches. Both fermionic and bosonic systems are discussed, depending on the interests of the participants. Selected physical systems from various fields such as quantum chemistry, solid-state physics and nuclear physics are studied, depending on the background and interests of the participants.
Topics (not all will be discussed)#
Intro chapter with basic definitions and simple examples and mathematics of many-body functions
Definitions of SDs etc, permutation operators,linear algebra reminder including reminder about determinants, vector and mtx algebra, tensor products, representations, unitary transformations, link to quantities like
one-body and two-body densities, rms radii etc. Discuss ansatze for wave functions and more.
Ansaztes for wave functions
2nd quantization for bosons and fermions and more
Commutation rules and definition of creation and annihilation operators
Proof of wick’s theorem
Discuss Wick’s generalized theorem
particle-hole picture
interaction, Schroedinger and Heisenberg pictures, pros and cons
time dependent wick’s theorem
Gell-Man and Low’s theorem
Adiabatic switching
Derivation of expressions for different parts of Hamiltonians, 1b, 2b, 3b etc
Wigner-Jordan transformation and 2nd quantization
Baker-Campbell-Hausdorf (BCH)
Suzuki-Trotter as an approximation to BCH
FCI and diagrams and particle-hole representations
Basics of FCI
Rewriting in terms of a particle-hole picture
Discuss slater determinants and similarity transformations and algorithms for solving eigenvalue problems
Eigenvector continuation
Introduce a diagrammatic representation
Mean-field theories
Hartree-Fock in coordinate space and 2nd quantization
Thouless theorem
Slater dets in HF theory
DFT links
The electron gas as example
FCI and HF, diagrammatic representations and critical discussions
Many-body perturbation theory
Time dependent and time-independent representation
Brillouin-Wigner and Rayleigh-Schrødinger pert theory
Diagrammatic representation
Linked-diagram theorem based on time-dependent theory
Coupled cluster theories, standard and unitary
Derivation of equations for singles and doubles, reminder on unitary transformations
Specialize to CCD case and compare with FCI and MBPT
Green’s function theory and parquet theory
Monte Carlo methods
Taught in FYS4411
Quantum computing
VQE and unitary CC
Time-dependent many-body theory
Applications to different systems like the electron gass, Lipkin model, Pairing model, infinite nuclear matter, and more