Overview of lectures
The aim of this series of lectures is to give you an overview of some selected post Hartree-Fock methods, with an empahsis on computational issues. The online material contains also material on second quantization and some background material on single-particle basis functions.
We will
- Start with a discussion of the Hartree-Fock (HF) approach since it serves as input to the other methods. This is our first lecture.
- The HF lecture will also allow us to bring in some mathematical aspects of basis functions. We will end the HF lecture with a discussion of a simple Python program which implements the HF algorithm.
- We move then over to Full Configuration Interaction (FCI) theory (popularly called the nuclear shell model). This is our second lecture and partly third lecture. FCI will also be covered in more detail by Maris' and Navratil's lectures.
- We discuss then approximative methods like many-body perturbation theory (MBPT), with links to FCI and applications to infinite nuclear matter. This is the third lecture.
- Finally we discuss coupled cluster (CC) theory with links to FCI and MBPT and applications to infinite nuclear matter. Coupled cluster theory are discussed in the fourth and fifth lectures. Numerical examples will be discussed and codes are fully available.
Other methods like Green's function approaches will be discussed by Soma and cluster methods by Neff.