Overview of course material: PHY 989 Nuclear Forces

Scott K. Bogner
Morten Hjorth-Jensen

The teaching material is produced in various formats for printing and on-screen reading.

Introduction and Overview

Quantum Field Theory, Dirac and Klein-Gordon Equations

History and Phenomenology of Nuclear Forces

Non-relativistic and Relativistic Scattering Theory

One-boson Exchange Models

Introduction to Effective Field Theory and Lattice QCD

Selected Texts on Nuclear Forces and Quantum Field Theory

Selected Articles on Effective Field Theory

Exercises and Projects Fall 2017

Selected Exercises

Project 1

Project 2

Teaching schedule Fall 2017

Lectures are Mondays 12.30pm to 2.30pm and Wednesdays from 1230pm to 230pm. We plan normally to reserve Wednesdays for project work, exercises and self-study. However, during the first two weeks we may also have regular lectures the first hour. Teachers are Scott Bogner (SB) and Morten Hjorth-Jensen (MHJ)

The course consists of two projects which are graded and count 50% each of the final grade. The projects are of a computational character and knowledge of programming languages like Python, C++/C, Fortran etc are recommended. If you are not familiar with these programming languages, we provide below links to online material on how to get started with C++, Python and Fortran.

Week and days Topics to be covered Projects and exercises Reading assignments
Week 43 Mon: Introduction and review of basic QFT (SB and MHJ) Wedn: Presentation of project 1 (MHJ) and selected exercises
Oct/23 and Oct/25
Week 44 Mon: Scattering theory and phenomenology of nuclear forces (MHJ) Wedn: Scattering theory (MHJ). Lecture notes on scattering theory
Oct/30 and Nov/1 Work and discussion of project 1
Week 45 Mon: Review of QFT and one-boson exchange models(MHJ) Wedn: OBE models (MHJ) Lecture notes on scattering theory and OBEs
Nov/6 and Nov/8 Work on project 1
Week 46 Mon: One-boson exchange models with video (MHJ) Wedn: Work on project 1, deadline Nov 24 Lecture notes on OBEs
Nov/13 and Nov/15 Wedn: Effective Field Theory (SB)
Week 47 Mon: Effective Field Theory (SB) Wedn: Discussion and work on project 2
Nov/20 and Nov/22
Week 48 Mon: Effective Field Theory (SB) Wedn: Work on project 2
Nov/27 and Nov/29
Week 49 Mon: Effective Field Theory (SB) Wedn: Finalize project 2, deadline Dec 15
Dec/4 and Dec/6

Basic Syllabus

The syllabus for this course consists of the lecture notes on the webpage with suggested reading assignments as well as the two projects. These projects count 50% each of the final grade. The weekly plans (see the table above) will be updated with links to reading suggestions and the relevant material.

Teaching yourself C++

We provide here a link to online lecture notes on how to get started with C++ programming. Similar notes will be added for Python and Fortran programmers later.